
Chepang Hill Trail Trek
Chepang Hill Trail leads you through the unexplored beautiful hillsides of Chitwan. Besides the natural beauty, the trail offers cultural highlights of one of the indigenous communities of Nepal. This area is home to the Chepang people who lead a semi-nomadic life and have rich cultural traditions. Due to their distinct life style and the remoteness of their homeland, this indigenous group belongs to the much marginalized groups of Nepal..
The trail is designed to lead through the homeland of Chepangs and their lovely villages in order to generate income possibilities for them and to raise awareness about Chepang culture among foreign visitors and Nepali people. This trail lies at a moderate altitude and in a comfortable climate zone.

This area is home to the Chepang people who lead a semi-nomadic life and have rich cultural traditions. Due to their distinct life style and the remoteness of their homeland, this indigenous group belongs to the much marginalized groups of Nepal.

Chitwan and Rural Tourism

Most of Nepal lies in what could be described as the Nature's own land - untouched by modern civilization. Although Chitwan is a modern city, many parts of it are still in rural areas. Through tourism, Nepal tries to alleviate poverty and bring development to these rural areas. When you visit Chitwan, you are in Rural Tourism arena, for you have a direct affect on the lives of many villagers and rural folks.

Rural tourism is thriving in Nepal, for its seen as the true way to explore and discover Nepal. It's not a wonder that many travel packages to Chitwan consist village tours, rural dance and cultural programs, home-stay type of accommodations and so on. Chitwan is part of the Tourism for Rural Poverty Alleviation, an ongoing push by the United Nations Development Program.